Let’s go airborne with these 15 jump shots out of the 2013 WPA shot program. Click on the image to go watch the video!

The first two jump shots get the cue ball in the air off the rail. In shot 1A, the cue ball banks up the table off the short rail. In shot 1B, the cue ball jumps off the long rail, over some blockers, and curves up so it stays near the long rail. Shot 1C is a much different beast, but it’s a basic one handed jump shot.

In shot 2A, the object ball jumps off the rail and banks into the side pocket. Shot 2B is a close jump shot where there’s only a one ball width gap between the cue ball and the blockers, but the cue ball has to pocket both the object ball frozen to it and the one hanging in the corner pocket down the table. Shot 2C is a double kiss jump where the cue ball double kisses off the frozen object ball and jumps out of the ring of balls.

Jump shot 3A has been around for a while, but it’s made by banking the object ball cross side while the cue ball jumps over the wall and pockets the hanging ball in the corner. Shot 3B is another close jump shot with a one ball width gap between the cue ball and blockers. The cue ball has to kick off the far rail and make the object ball. This will make sure you’re not putting any unintended spin on the cue ball while you jump! Shot 3C is a basic Leapfrog shot, jumping balls from back to front into the corner pocket.

Shot 4A is an oldie shot where the cue ball jumps off the object ball frozen to the rail and over the other object ball, spins 2 rails and comes back down. Mixing up your spin (top and right) will help make adjustments to the cue ball path. Shot 4B is the Evel Knievel jump shot where the cue ball launches over a long row of balls to split the two balls by the side pocket. Getting the right range on your jump shot is important here. Shot 4C combines the jump shot off the point of the pocket with the classic railroad setup. It can be tough to get enough speed on this and missing the cues on the jump isn’t always automatic either.

Shot 5A is the Jump On It and Beat It shot where the cue ball hits the object ball, jumping over it and beats it to the corner pocket. Shot 5B is a series of six one handed jump shots out of a rack. Not much room for the cue to wiggle here, so you have to have a solid grip. Shot 5C is a stacking ball shot. The cue ball lags an object ball down the table, then is jumped separately to make the bottom ball while the lagged ball pockets the top ball in the stack after it falls.
Discipline 1 – Trick and Fancy
Discipline 2 – Special Arts
Discipline 3 – Draw
Discipline 4 – Follow
Discipline 5 – Bank and Kick
Discipline 6 – Stroke
Discipline 7 – Jump
Discipline 8 – Masse